Friday, August 27, 2010


Hi everyone, and welcome to y-i-run!

I'd like to introduce myslef simply as P.

I have been interested in fitness and health on and off since around the age of 14. As of late, I've been growing more and more interested in using this as a tool to significantly better my daily life and as a means of free therapy :) I have been following various different fitness/health/food bloggers such as the lovely Angela of "Oh She Glows" (, Jessie of "Graze With Me" (, and Lara of "Thinspired" (, to name just a few. These ladies have inspired me to try things that I probably wouldn't have otherwise been confident enough to attempt, such as running two 10 k's in 2009. I am ready to tackle the task of training for a half-marathon in the Spring of 2011, which I am very excited (as well as somewhat nervous!) for.

My blog will be about my own personal journey and my thoughts on the world of fitness, health, and of course, running. I am interested in a wide variety of topics under this umbrella, and am also open to the suggestions of my readers. I hope to create a positive atmosphere where we can discuss anything health and food related, share our experiences and aspirations, and both support and challenge one another throughout our health and fitness goals.

I hope you will join me for this undertaking, and I welcome the (positive and encouraging) questions, comments, and suggestions my readers.


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